Come and Take It Flags Collection

Come and Take It Flags Collection

Come and Take It Flags Collection | Ultimate Flags Store first unraveled its defiant message against a bleak October sky in 1835 at the Battle of Gonzales is still a symbol of Texas independence today. Its resolute message of “Come and Take It” may sound rebellious, but it is not meant to inspire violence or anarchy. Instead, it is a call to action that reminds us to never be afraid of standing up for our rights. The same sentiments that motivated Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt March in India and fueled the American Revolution are as valid now as they were then.

As the fight for our independence continues, we can look to the courage and resolve of the Texans that inspired the Come and Take It flag. Their bravery and perseverance helped them establish their own country, which would become the United States of America.

Taking a Stand: Come and Take It Flags Collection

This historic flag of Texas is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Each framed flag is antiqued and hand-stretched in a rustic barn wood frame. It is a museum-quality reproduction that will stand the test of time and will be enjoyed by generations to come.

As the political climate in the US continues to deteriorate, the Come and Take It flag has gained popularity with supporters of gun rights. This is evident by the proliferation of this iconic flag at pro-gun rallies and social media posts. Its prominence has led to some criticizing the flag as a divisive emblem that glorifies gun ownership at a time when mass shootings occur frequently in the US.

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