Reasons to Use a Dry Cleaner for Your Laundry

Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Typically, people choose to do We Wash 24 own laundry or have the clothes cleaned at home. This is because it saves time, money, and helps them keep their clothing in good condition. However, there are some reasons that you may want to take your clothing to a professional dry cleaner.

Stains and Spots That Can’t Be Removed by Basic Detergent

If you have any stains that are oil or grease-based, water won’t be able to remove them without the use of special detergents. The chemicals used in dry cleaning can remove these stains and spots without the need for specialty products.

Dry Cleaning vs. Laundry: Which One is Best for Your Clothes

The solvents used in the dry cleaning process are incredibly toxic to humans and the environment. The original and most popular solvent, perchloroethylene (also called “Perc”), is a Carcinogenic agent, meaning it can cause cancer in humans.

In addition to being toxic, Perc is also flammable. This means that any employee who comes in contact with perc vapors, such as loading the clothes or doing maintenance on the machines, is at risk of developing respiratory problems or other serious health conditions.

Dry Cleaners Are Trained to Handle Decorative Fabrics

Since dry cleaners are professionals, they know how to handle delicate embellishments like sequins, crystals, and beadwork on apparel and other textile items. The professional process ensures that these items are properly handled and don’t lose their integrity.

Compared to conventional washing, dry cleaning is a much more efficient way of removing stains from clothing and other fabrics. It also leaves your garments softer and less likely to crease.

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