Vanquis is a bank that offers credit cards to people with bad credit. The credit card is designed to help people improve their credit rating by establishing a good history. This is important since missing payments on loans can result in severe consequences. More info
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Vanquis has two different credit cards to choose from. The Vanquis Aquis Credit Card offers lower interest rates and a higher starting credit limit. You must also pay your minimum monthly payment on time.
Another option is the Vanquis Chrome Credit Card. This card allows applicants to apply online or through the phone. There are also text alerts for customers to stay on top of their credit limit.
The Chrome Credit Card also has a higher minimum credit limit. The card has a 3% cash advance fee and a foreign transaction fee. In addition, there is a PS5 statement copy fee.
Customers can also use the Internet or Vanquis apps for easy account management. They are available for Android and iPhone. Using the apps allows you to check your balance, make transactions, and manage your credit limit.
Vanquis is regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. Their website also provides information on how to protect your account and what to do if you have problems.
Vanquis also has a referral reward system. Those who refer others will receive a free credit card.
One of the advantages of the Vanquis Credit Card is that it can be used anywhere the Visa sign is displayed. It can be used for online shopping, hiring a car, and even paying for meals.